Holistic Well-Being

A joyful life is one with the right set of lifestyle habits.

Many people claim it isn’t what happens to us but how we respond to what happens to us that really matters.

Regardless of what life may throw our way, there are things we can do that help us to live a balanced and joyful life.

Making choices about the right lifestyle habits, such as sleep, exercise, and nutrition, is important to our well-being.

All these choices affect how we cope with different aspects of our life.

A holistic approach allows you to achieve that well-being.

Together, we will explore approaches that will help you achieve a joyful, balanced, and happier life.

There are several approaches that we will discuss.

Meditation helps create a calmer and more focused life.

Meditation is increasingly recognized as a powerful practice that increases one’s ability to focus and live life in the present moment.

This ancient practice is simple to learn, and anyone can do it.

The benefits from implementing a meditation practice can include but are not limited to a greater sense of calm throughout one’s day, reduced stress and anxiety, and improved sleep.

Yoga enhances mindfulness.

Personally, I have practiced yoga for many years and have completed my yoga teacher training.

Studies have shown that yoga can be especially helpful in regulating mood, bringing awareness to our mind-body connection, and increasing our sense of relaxation and inner calm.

Reiki reduces stress.

Reiki is a popular form of healing. It’s name (pronounced Ray-key) is a Japanese name consisting of two words, Rei and Ki, meaning spiritually guided life energy (commonly known as Universal Life Energy), an energy which animates us all and is found all around us.

Because I have been trained in this modality, I am able to transmit this high vibrational energy to you. Reiki offers relief from tension and stress. It is calming and relaxing. It can be done on its own or while you are engaged in talking through your issues.

Energy medicine helps shift your emotional response.

While there are many schools of thought under the umbrella of Energy Medicine, Donna Eden has become a pioneer in creating simple daily practices that help strengthen our immune systems and boost our vitality. Personally, I do a 5-minute daily routine that cured my Seasonal Affective Disorder (“SAD”).

Living in a northern climate with limited sun through many months of winter, many people suffer from SAD. Discovering this routine literally changed my experience from focusing on how much I hate winter to feeling emotionally neutral about living through gray cold days.

Tapping helps initiate change in your life.

The Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping) is a scientifically proven method that helps people make changes in their lives.

It is a relatively simple, yet effective process that draws from a variety of alternative health modalities, such as acupuncture and the field of energy medicine.

It works by gently tapping on specific places of your body while making statements that increase the acceptance of who you are and begins a process to shift what you want to change.

Do you desire a reboot to your current lifestyle?

If so, let me help you explore the ways you can improve the quality of your life.

Call (847) 287-9267 now for a free 15-minute consultation.