Case Consultation

Practicing therapy can take its toll.

Are you a therapist in private practice?

Are you seeing a lot of clients in a week, listening to a variety of people sharing their histories, and their deepest feelings and concerns?

When you’re not in session, you may find yourself thinking about what you’ve just heard or how you’ve responded.

Feeling responsible for the people who seek your help can be overwhelming.

Separating your professional life from your private life can be challenging.

It may be hard for you to leave your thoughts at the office.

Not worrying in the middle of the night is a challenge.

All of this may be a lot to hold inside.

Case consultation provides relief.

Case consultation is designed for therapists wanting help with their work but who are not feeling the need to seek their own therapy at this time.

As a Certified IFS Therapist, case consultation offers you time to explore your own parts that are getting activated in your work. The approach is from the perspective of Internal Family Systems (“IFS”).

As you get to know those parts and attend to their needs, it is possible to free up space and energy to be more open and present when working with your clients.

Case consultation and IFS therapy can at times feel like they cover the same ground. Case consultation more often includes discussion of your clinical concerns and my perspective from my own experience of 20-plus years as a clinician.

Reach out for a little help!

If you’re a therapist who could benefit from discussing a case with someone with experience and a fresh perspective, contact me at (847) 287-9267 for case consultation.