Brief Therapy

Making decisions is not always straightforward.

Decisions are frequently something we need to make.

Yet, having the issue rumble around in our head often leads to confusion more than clarity.

Family planning needs to be a joint decision.

Do you love your two children but are thinking a third may complete your family?

But you must admit, you’re a bit ambivalent.

Every time you and your partner discuss it, you trade places as to who is for it and who is against it.

You end up not knowing how you’re going to come to a decision with which you both can live.

Deciding about career moves is not always easy.

Maybe you’ve been at your job for five years. You’ve learned so much and gotten a lot of positive feedback.

But you find yourself checking job openings on Indeed and LinkedIn, curious about what else is out there.

You wonder if you’re playing it safe. Is it good for your career to stay put?

Are there other opportunities that would lead to more challenges, more excitement, and more money?

It feels hard to decide what the next best step looks like.

Brief therapy helps clarify the confusion.

Life can present all kinds of dilemmas that may not cause us significant distress but nonetheless can take a toll on us.

They’re not causing us to lose sleep or triggering symptoms of unmanageable anxiety, but they are causing us stress.

Brief therapy is available when you aren’t going through something that requires long-term therapy, but you’re facing a situation that you aren’t sure how to handle.

Objective rather than subjective advice is needed.

When stressors pop up in our lives, it can be beneficial to talk things through with a person who has no personal interest in the outcome and can look at the dilemma in an objective way.

Discussing challenging situations with an experienced therapist who has spent lots of time listening to people can infuse you with wisdom and a fresh perspective.

Let’s make your deciding more straightforward.

If you find yourself struggling to make an important decision, brief therapy can help. Take the time now to call me at (847) 287-9267, and let’s have a free 15-minute conversation to learn if I can help.